Friday, February 25, 2011

Big Brother Today

Big Brother definitely exists today. It's not as extreme as it is in 1984, but it's definitely there. It exists in the government being able to find out any information they want from us. It exists in their ability to tap our phones. We have definitely lost all rights to privacy. There are few places that we are in total privacy. A big thing that I think shows our invasion of privacy is Google Maps. We talked about that as a group in class on Thursday, and then I went on it today to look at it again. I can type in my address and see my house, my yard and my car. I can even see my dog. I think that right there shows that our privacy is basically gone. There are some roads near my house where they have a camera right on the side of the road that you can see. You can see cars, and even some people clear as day. I find this very odd. I don't see the necessity for this being on the internet, accessible to everyone.

Facebook is another example of how our privacy is given up. If you look at someone's Facebook at any given time, you can normally tell where they are, who they're with, and what they're doing. There are also pictures of them and all their friends. The saddest part of this is that we give this up voluntarily. I feel like if someone told me I had to give out that information, I would feel violated, but we do it on a daily basis without even thinking about it.

I think people are very willing to give up freedoms to feel safe. I am to a point. I'm okay with airport security, and video surveillance cameras at cash registers, but I think that's about where the line stops for me. Regarding a point brought up in class, I think I'd rather take my chances than have security cameras in bathrooms.


  1. I think google maps is a huge invasion of our privacy today too. I think it is way to weird that we can see our own houses or anyone else's easily. It was probably cool when it first came out but now with the increasing types of technology that we have these days, our privacy is disappearing by the minute. Google maps never really bothered me before but now with all of the discussions we have had in class, I feel completely different about it.

  2. I used the same examples of invasion of privacy, Google Maps and Facebook. Like we talked about in our group discussion the other day, I really think Google Maps is an invasion of privacy. I think it is scary you can see your car and even your dog. That is completely insane. I think Google Maps wouldn't be an invasion of privacy if it ONLY showed the streets, like you would see on a regular map. But the fact that it shows you a satellite view of peoples houses is pretty creepy. It's not like you are providing the the picture of your house voluntary like you are providing all the content of your Facebook page. I agree with your viewpoint with the video cameras in public, but going any further than that, I would say would excessive and inappropriate.

  3. Yeah I agree with you about phone taps and google maps. They are both invasions of our privacy. Well I guess facebook is on with what you want to put out for people to see. When I thought about this topic I just thought about the camera part which I don't mind today unless it would occur with people in our houses. Invasion of privacy is a lot more then just cameras and it occurs more than me realize.

  4. Agree with you that big brother does in fact exist today. It exists in the form of the government and all the different sites online such as facebook, google, and many others. On these sites you can find out anything you want about a person. People need to be careful what they say on their newsfeed, because when you think about it crime can happen, if you say that you are going away for a week on facebook that is when someone could rob your house. Something to think about..

  5. Phone taps to me are just completely ridiculous to have. That is the most outrageous thing I've ever heard of. That is a complete invasion of privacy and so is google maps. You can find anything you want on the internet and especially where someone lives from google maps. Big Brother exist everywhere and there are many ways to prove this. Kayla was right about Facebook. To me that is a huge issue in our society.
