Friday, April 1, 2011

Hunger Games and the hunger for more

I really, really enjoyed this book. I read it in two sittings. I just found it to be so exciting and interesting. I usually don't get into books like this, but I really got engulfed in the plot. I found myself thinking like I was a part of the game, and what my strategy would be. First of all, I don't think I would have survived very long. I'm not much of a runner, and due to my greediness, I probably would have went for supplies at the Cornucopia right away and been a quick victim. Nonetheless, I was always criticizing choices made by Katniss and the other tributes.

I found it disturbing that the Capitol put on games like this. I also found it disturbing that, while the people are against losing a child from their District, it was so accepted in society. I feel like I would speak out against a child from my town being put on an island where murder is the only way out. It just seemed strange to me how this went on without much disapproval from the citizens.

I liked how Katniss was all about showing up the Capitol. I found the scene where she covered Rue's dead body in flowers very emotional and moving. I feel like the people watching this scene would have had a doubt in their mind of the humanity of the games at that moment. No one could watch Katniss do that with such emotion and still believe that the games were humane.

While reading this book, a song kept continually popping into my head. The song is "'Til I Collapse" by Eminem. It is about not giving up and giving your all. I could just see any of the tributes listening to this song in their head while going for a kill or traveling during the games. One quote from the song that really fits in with the book is I really, really enjoyed this book. I read it in two sittings. I just found it to be so exciting and interesting. I usually don't get into books like this, but I really got engulfed in the plot. I found myself thinking like I was a part of the game, and what my strategy would be. First of all, I don't think I would have survived very long. I'm not much of a runner, and due to my greediness, I probably would have went for supplies at the Cornucopia right away and been a quick victim. Nonetheless, I was always criticizing choices made by Katniss and the other tributes.

I found it disturbing that the Capitol put on games like this. I also found it disturbing that, while the people are against losing a child from their District, it was so accepted in society. I feel like I would speak out against a child from my town being put on an island where murder is the only way out. It just seemed strange to me how this went on without much disapproval from the citizens.

I liked how Katniss was all about showing up the Capitol. I found the scene where she covered Rue's dead body in flowers very emotional and moving. I feel like the people watching this scene would have had a doubt in their mind of the humanity of the games at that moment. No one could watch Katniss do that with such emotion and still believe that the games were humane.

While reading this book, a song kept continually popping into my head. The song is "'Til I Collapse" by Eminem. It is about not giving up and giving your all. I could just see any of the tributes listening to this song in their head while going for a kill or traveling during the games. One quote from the song that really fits in with the book is, "Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out Till my legs give out, can't shut my mouth." I feel like this song goes really well with the story.

As I said before, I really enjoyed this book. Over the summer, I plan on reading the second and third books of the series. I just need to know what happens next!


  1. I really like the title you picked for your blog. The Hunger Games is definitely my favorite books that we have read so far. I liked how there just never seemed to be a boring scene in the book. I couldn't imagine surviving for very long in the games either. It is very impressive how Katniss was able to use her clever skills along with her communication with Haymitch to make to the end.

  2. I think we all can agree it was among one of our favorite books! It's funny that you said that you read the book in two sittings because I did too, and someone else from our group also said the same! I also plan on reading the other two books. The end was a cliff hanger-- I, too, wanted to know what happens next! I really like the connection to the Eminem song you chose. I really like Eminem and I often run to his music-- it just has something about it that motivates and pumps you up. Therefore, I can totally understand why you chose this song and the lyrics go along great as motivating words to the tributes.

  3. Yeah I think everybody liked this book. It was a great book and one of the best I have ever read even though thats not a huge list. I like how you made the connection with the Eminem song. I warmup before wrestling to Eminem songs. I didn't even know there were more books after this one, but I definetly want to read them and I want to see the movie that is coming out too.

  4. Most of the people that I asked about this book liked it. I am one of those people and most of our group liked it. I'm super excited for the movie just so I can see what they change and what they stick too. The connection with the Eminem song was awesome. I didn't even think that far into it until I started actually putting the words together with the book.

  5. I also found it distrubing that the captiol would created the games. Its horrible to have to elect 24 people to fight each other til death. It would be especially hard, if you were thrown into the arena without having survival skills. Katniss and Peeta were fortunate to have a background before they were put into the arena. This book was very good and it kept me wanting to know what was going to happen next! I couldn't put the book down!
