Thursday, April 7, 2011

To read or not to read; that is the question.

A world without books would be a strange one. It would make school a lot easier for the student, but a lot more difficult for the teacher. Instead of having children read books, teachers would have to tell their students about every story an example they are supposed to learn. Without textbooks, math lessons would be very difficult as well. I would be lost without books in two senses. The first is as a teacher, which I plan to be after graduating college. I think it would be very difficult to teacher without having books to give to my students. How would I teach my students how to read? Would reading be taught in schools? I suppose it would because people would still have to read signs and labels, but reading for pleasure and reading books for information would be an unnecessary task.

I would also miss books on a personal level. I enjoy reading when I have nothing else to do. I like just sitting in my room or outside and reading a good book, being taken away to another place or lifestyle. I find enjoyment in finding entertainment without technology every once in awhile.

People burn books by overlooking them. One example of this is just watching a movie instead of reading the book. It is just another example of how lazy our culture is today. We think the time it takes to read a book is inconvenient, when really the experience has a lot to offer.

I think people find books dangerous because they allow different views to be expressed by the author. Anyone can find anything in a book if they look for it, and this hinders government from having total control over us. I could see books being banned in our culture, with the way censorship is become more and more prevalent. If books ever get banned, I would definitely rebel. I would try and keep my books, and the memories and adventures that come with them.


  1. I didn't even really think about books as it pertains to education. You make a great point in asking how would teachers be able to teach children if they have no book to reference back to? Since I began my college career, there has not been one class in which I did not need to buy the textbook and open it up and read it. I can't even imagine a professor simply just lecturing 24/7 without being able to look up in a book exactly what they are talking about, especially if you need clarification. I can't say that I would miss books on a personal level, but I feel as I grow up, my reading habits may change... maybe one day I will actually enjoy reading.. that's a scary thought! A lot of people do skip over the book and watch the movie instead. I like how you said that sometimes people find books dangerous. Authors can essentially publish their thoughts and feelings. People choose what they read and if they don't like they are reading, all they have to do is close the book and put it down.

  2. I agree with how you said we burn books by overlooking them. I didn't think of that but it's so true how we sometimes view reading a book as an inconvenience just as you said. I know I have viewed books in that way in many instances. I also wonder how teachers would teach without their students having the access to textbooks. Our classes would probably a lot longer and boring.

  3. I agree with you, if we didn't have books..the world would definitely be strange. When I was younger, I loved listening to stories read to me. It's part of pretty much every kid's childhood. Its how they learn to read. If there were no more books, how would kids learn how to read? Today, I'm not really a fan of books and reading, but if books just disappeared and I didn't have the option to read, i'd miss them. I read a book in every subject to help me understand better. People are constantly burning books because they'd rather watch the movie or sparknote instead of actually reading the book.

  4. I agree with the point you made of needing books to teach. If we didn't have books what information would we be teaching to our students? I guess we could teach them like how to do certain skills, but we couldn't actually teach them content. I said the same thing about burning books by watching movies. I like how you said we may find books dangerous because they allow others views to be expressed. Seems that some of us are just lazy or bored with books.

  5. Books are a great source for teaching but now books are being out run by technology. I'm very bored with books and i'll be honest i completely hate them. It' boring to me to read books. It doesn't make me relax and it isn't fun. That's just me but to some people they are very useful.
